

Woody plants are sturdy plants whose roots and stems are thickened to form a large number of xylem, and most of the cell walls are lignified. Plant body xylem developed, stem hard, perennial. As opposed to herbs, people often call the former trees and the latter grass.

Woody plants can be divided into three types according to their height and branch position.

① A tree.

 Tall, upright trees up to 5.5 meters tall. There are distinct trunks and high branches, such as pine, cedar, maple and camphor trees. There are evergreen and deciduous trees.

② shrubs (shrubs). 

Relatively short, tall trees below 5 meters, branches close to the base of the stem, such as tea, rose, hibiscus, etc., evergreen shrubs and deciduous shrubs.

(3) semi shrubs (subshrubs). 

Plants perennial, lignified only at base of stem, while upper part is grassy, wilted in winter, as in peony.

flowers greenhouse

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